Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Journey will begin in August

My last day of work will be 28 July and as I reflect on the 20 years that I have been with Maritime Travel it is with sadness and anticipation. Sadness at leaving a job I have so enjoyed but with anticipation of a new chapter in my life. I have met so many wonderful people that have made such an impact in my life and who will always have a place in my heart. My biggest thanks goes to my husband, my life partner and my friend whom without his support over the past 20 years I couldn't of survived without. He was my rock. My proudest accomplishments are my children, who are kind and generous people and we are so proud of their accomplishments so maybe We did do somethings right(you know they don't come with a book!!) and of course, our beautiful grandchildren who make our life complete and we are about to add no 5...Dallas and Gretchen are awaiting their first due 21 July.