Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas in Arizona

We had a beautiful warm day for Christmas. It was a balmy 75 and we decided to BBQ Steaks for Dinner......Christmas eve we had about 9 over for hor d'oeuvres, crantini and egg nog. It was nice getting together with friends that we have made here. We definitely missed the family but we were able to Skype everyone in so that was fantastic. Christmas morning if anyone knows Gary, he made his famous breakfast for the neighbors.
Boxing day we decided to drive to Prescott in Northern Arizona. The scenery was different there. We took the picture of the stagecoach at a strip mall that looked like a western town. Very Cool!! We took Route 17 and on the return we decided to take route 89 via Wickenburg which took us thru the mountains....Wow..we saw snow as we were over 6600 ft above sea level and the road winded around the mountains and at time we could only go 20 mph with the twists and turns. In fact, the highway is divided, heading to Wickenburg we were above the traffic heading to Prescott.