Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Journey home

We began our journey home on Saturday Mar 8 heading to Selma NC for our first night stay.  As we were travelling thru SC, we noticed black smoke on I95 South over the horizon and as we came over the crest we could see a Tractor on fire and as soon as we got closer the fire reached the fuel tank and it blew.  This is the picture I took....Amazing!!!  No one hurt!!  The driver disengaged the trailer and let it drop and moved the tractor ahead...Lucky he got out before it blew!!!  Though the van on top didn't make it.

We had excellent weather on our journey.  This picture was taken of the sun rising on the 9 Mar as we were leaving Selma...heading to Jonestown PA.   We started seeing patches of snow in Virginia heading North.   The campground we stayed at was snow covered and muddy!!!  While there a gentleman next to us heading back to Montreal was telling us there was a snowstorm coming thru on Wednesday so we thought we should make an early start so early to bed and up at 2AM .

This picture was taken as the sunrise as we were leaving Jonestown PE heading to Kennebunk ME.  We saw snow along the sides of the road but the roads were clear.

And you know what they say about red sky in the morning!!!  but coming into Portsmouth you can see how blue the sky is.....

We stopped at Kennebunk at the rest stop.  Someone should of told the tractor that was pushing snow back!!!!....We only got 2 hrs as the beeping as it back up and the bank of the scoop as it hit the ground, we gave up and headed to Bangor....Here is Gary driving the motorhome....after 4 days in the motorhome, the car is pretty small!!!  Hahaha
We heard that Bangor and Moncton was going to get 2 in of snow  overnight and with the storm coming we did not want to be stuck in the motorhome for 3 days so decided to continue heading home and we sleep for 3 hrs at the Duty Free in Calais and arrived home at 5am.  To say exhausted would be a good statement!!!  But we are here ahead of the storm as sleeping in the motorhome in the cold is not much fun!!!

This year's journey is at an end and my highlight is in thanks to my sister-in-law, Amy who got me an awesome deal on an antique tea wagon that I have always wanted.  I didn't realize but Gary had her looking for me.   To say I am pleased is an exaggeration.  I love love it and much thanks go out to Amy for finding it at such a great deal and for my sweet husband for thinking of me....Love you Guys!!! It is an L. Hancock antique....

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our last days here before heading home in Bradenton

Our winter is finally coming to an end early as we are heading to Cuba with family and friends in April for 2 weeks.   It has been a colder winter down south than normal but not snow and enjoyed meeting new friends, enjoying time with Amy and Gerry and having friends visit us...

Got to spend the last couple of days at my brother, Gerry, Amy, Evan and Ashley(pic 1).  We missed Gerry who was freezing in Saint John...Whoops, I am heading back to that myself!!  Love the Hydro Pool outside of Disney(Pic 2)...."Mickey anyone!!"  Crane hanging out on Amy's roof(pic 3)....Gary enjoyed fresh lemon from the tree!!!  See no faces!!!  Much sweeter than we get home!!(Pic 4) and then relaxing at my favourite place at Amy's....the Pool!!!  (Pic 5)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Savannah, Tybee Island and St Augustine

Our friends, Gaston and Murielle, are visiting us from Moncton for a couple of days.  We picked them up from their friends in Daytona Beach.   Yesterday we took them to Savannah for a tour of the city and on to Tybee Island for the Platter Special!!!  As you can see from the before and after pictures of our dinner!!!  So delicious and we had an awesome time!!!

On Friday we stopped in St Augustine at San Sebastian Winery and did the free wine tour and today we did the Red Train tour of the old city.  On our way we stopped at Tabby Sugar Mill.    When we got back, Gary made us homemade Pina Colada....so delicious...just as good as the one you get by the Bridge in Matanza.....What a great end to a fabulous weekend!!!  Pic 1....that is a wine glass from san Sebastian Winery!!!  Hahaha....Pic 2..is Gaston and Murielle at the wine tasting.....Pic 3 peeking out from the ruins at Tabby Ruins....Pic 4...Picture done from Lego!!  Unbelievable....Pic 5...Ripley's Believe or not Museum.....Pic 5...Murielle and I with our Pina Colada and smoked salmon!!!!  Perfect end to a great weekend!!!