Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving with family and friends

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks and I am truly thankful for my 3 beautiful children, Tracey, Wendy and Dallas and my 6 Grandchildren, Jenna, Bryanna, Ryan, Sophie, Xavier and Ben and my 2 great grandchildren, Alexis and Axel.  Also, my family and good friends.  We are truly blessed!  Thanks to Amy and Gerry for a lovely meal!  So great spending time with family and friends !
It was nice getting together with Gerry and Amy.  Mike and Donna dropped in and got to have dessert with us.

Sitting down to our Thanksgiving dinner with Bob and his daughter, Dawn. Very special people!

Bob is 95 and he sure does not look it!  Awesome pic of truly great friends.

Got to use my dining table for the first time with Gerry and Amy last week!!  Just forgot to get our pictures with us in it as we were too busy enjoying!!  Haha!!

Today I put up some of my Christmas decorations.  I got the stained glass nativity scene at a second hand store.   So pretty.  Next week I will decorate my palm tree!! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Enjoying the Sunshine !!

Relaxing on my patio and watching the crop duster plane working on the orange groves. 

We got to celebrate my brother, Gerry's birthday!  Our Halloween Bum!!  Hahaha!!  Of course, my camera would give me a hard time so don't have a lot of pics but as always had a great time with Amy, Gerry and family!!

Here we are relaxing in the living room! This is what it looks like when you help your son furnish his apartment!! So great getting together with family!!  Yes, Amy is awaiting her new furniture!!  Hahaha
 Our first official Happy Hour!!  Gary made us homemade Pina Colada!!  Yummy!!
 Enjoying with Jerry and Cheryl Murphy.  Having a great time!
 Working on a project!!  Slipper Boots!!  Very pleased with them!!
This year we have 4 Peking Ducks to feed.  They are not afraid at all!!