Tuesday, August 31, 2010

North Bay to Thunder Bay

Sunday morning we left intending to drive for 6 hours and tie up for the evening but we took the northern route 11 and there is not many RV parks and the provincial parks we could of stopped for the evening but there were too isolated . The scenery was absolutely spectactular and to say Ontario is vast is putting it mildly. I had no concept of its size especially the northern part. Wow, We drove stopped in Temagami for gas and the picture with the plane was taken there. Some of the towns were Englehart(our relatives), Cockrane, Kapuskasing, Longlac, Geraldton, Nipigon and Thunder bay. When we arrived in Kapuskasing, we thought we would stop for the night but no luck with RV parks so decided to continue on, thank goodness we got gas because we went 220 km with no towns, nothing but the wilderness, did see a black bear on the side of the road but no picture did not stop, helped a couple of university students returning to Thunder Bay as car broke down, the guys stayed with the car and we took the young lady to Longlac to get help. She was getting a hold of her father....We only put $40 gas in the truck as it was expensive and the gas attendent told us lots of tiny villages so we would have no issue....Well!!! as we continuted there was some homes but no gas stations and we realized by the GPS we had 46 miles to go and only 96 miles in gas left and weren't sure we would make it with the hills...That was stressful and the alarm came on when we were 3 km from Nipigon but luckly the gas tank coughed into the station and we topped it off, still no RV so ended up in Thunder Bay at a Walmart 10pm at night and we were totally exhausted....Lesson learned fill tank when you need gas, no exceptions!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

North Bay

We left Campbellford at 10:13 this morning and arrived in North Bay at 3:20pm. Beautiful drive gand we had lovely scenery. Stopped in Muskoka and I sat in the big chair for a picture and now I know what I used to go thru as a child....Hard to climb in and out of it, hahaha!!! We are parked in Walmart parking lot for the evening...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Campbellford and Toronto

Having a nice visit with my brother, Mike and Donna, Wednesday we went to Toronto and had a nice visit with Mike and Liz Sutton and there was an accident on the 401 which caused delays....I am so happy I don't have to do that everyday. We are back in Campbellford and tomorrow we head towards North Bay on our journey thru Ontario to Manitoba. Updates coming

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vermont, New York and Canada

Sunday was a day to relax as it rained all day . It was enjoyable and yesterday we drove thru the Champlain Islands which were beautiful and along the Canada, US border into New York State. It was a beautiful drive and some of the communities we drove thru were beautiful with the stately old homes and spectular new ones but you do see the results of the recession with loads of homes for sale and closed businesses.
We are all in a rush and at the end of the day, we just want to get home so if we stop in a store, we don't want a long line and we want out of there asap. We stopped at a couple of stores looking and each time when I stop and thank the clerk for their help and how much I appreciated it, I noticed how surprised and pleased that all of them were. We all forget sometimes to say thank you. In the lineups, I started talking to the people around me. Love the reactions.....It pleased them and we enjoyed it too. Gary had one yesterday that was rude but he still thanked him for his help and later he stopped Gary to see if he found what he was looking for.
We crossed the border into Canada no issue and arrived at Mike at 5:40pm. It was a great day and we will be spending a few days here before heading north across Ontario.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Hampshire and Vermont

Friday we spent better part of the day exploring the White Mountains and they are spectactular!!!! We stopped in North Conway and saw loads of Outlets.....Had a BBQ for supper and today we headed to Vermont and we are now on Champlain Islands on Lake Champlain in Vermont at Apple Resort for a couple of days. On Monday we will be at my brother, Mike's in Ontario.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New England

Our first day went very excellent and we arrived in Bangor at 7pm their time and as we came out of the Walmart in Bangor to this awesome sunset. What an omen to start our trip!!!! We spend the evening in the parking lot and it made me realize how much we have relied on electronics as we had no TV, no internet and we played a couple of games of crib(I won, hehehe!!) and relaxed on the couch and just talked....We need to relax more and I didn't realize how much work I did at home . I know believe the expression "Stop and smell the roses"

We are now in Lancaster New Hampshire, Rogers Campground and the last time we were here was 33 years and our children were 1,3 and 5 respectively!!!! This is the view from our window of the White Mountains....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beginning our Journey

Tomorrow we hook up the truck and trailer and begin our Odyssey across Canada and USA. Our journey will take us thru the states to Ontario where we will continue in Canada and we won't be back to the states until November. We spend the last 5 days visiting my Mum in Campbellton. Updates to come

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hoboken and Hartford

Left Wendy's in the morning and had a good run and arrived in Hoboken at Carlos Bakery(Cake Boss) at 11:33am....Oh my goodness!!!! No place to park and the lineup was 3 persons thick and 3 blocks long.....Took a picture and continued our journey to Hartford....
Arrived at Melissa and Jim Bradbury at 2:30pm. Jim was away on business and we were sorry to miss him. They are very special friends. Her cat decided she liked Gary's duffel bag and made herself at home...too funny. The next day Melissa took us to Oyama Japanese Restaurant for lunch and we tried different dishes....I even tried raw salmon and raw tuna....raw tuna...did not like so much and the rest of the dishes were great. We had a very relaxing evening and I will be getting her recipes for her delicious Blueberry Bread and Anise Toast.....yummmyyyyy....She gave us some for the road!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Solomon Island

Went to Solomon Island near Chesapeake Bay for Crab Cake supper at the famous Stoney's Kingfishers Seafood House. Many thanks to Scott and Wendy and it was so awesome...They are huge crab cake balls and very delicious....See the pictures...Yummy!!! Very picturesque

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Enjoying the sights

This quaint little town reminds me of a seaside town in England except for the flags......And the Yachts, now I know why they call it the Yacht Capitol of USA...Below is some pics from our tours today and also, Wendy and Xavier...Great time...one more day and we head to New Jersey to see the Cake Boss, Carlos Bakery before heading to Hartford to spend a couple of days with friends before heading back to Moncton.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Annapolis Maryland

Took Xav with us this morning to get the tires put on and he was a good boy and in the afternoon after his nap, we decided to go to the Arundel mall to Walmart and below is the traffic on the way home.....Took us an extra 40 minutes to get home.....This is crazy!!! Traffic on both front and back as far as we could see and going 2 mph.....Here is our cutie!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trip to Annapolis Maryland

We left Aug 1 from Campbellton to visit Wendy , Scott and Xavier in Annapolis Maryland. We took our time and spent 3 days on the road and overnighted in Portland Maine 1st night and Dickson City in Pennsylvania for the second night....They were oversold and they gave us a free night in Dickson City, Penn......Had a great trip down very relaxing....Finally hit me I am retired......Whooooooo. This picture was taken in York Pennsylania