Thursday, August 19, 2010

New England

Our first day went very excellent and we arrived in Bangor at 7pm their time and as we came out of the Walmart in Bangor to this awesome sunset. What an omen to start our trip!!!! We spend the evening in the parking lot and it made me realize how much we have relied on electronics as we had no TV, no internet and we played a couple of games of crib(I won, hehehe!!) and relaxed on the couch and just talked....We need to relax more and I didn't realize how much work I did at home . I know believe the expression "Stop and smell the roses"

We are now in Lancaster New Hampshire, Rogers Campground and the last time we were here was 33 years and our children were 1,3 and 5 respectively!!!! This is the view from our window of the White Mountains....

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