Saturday, February 19, 2011

Leaving Arizona

It is hard to believe we have been here 4 months tomorrow. We were planning on leaving early in the morning but it is rain and windy so we might delay it by a day. We are sad to be leaving our friends that we have made here. They have made our stay so enjoyable and they will not be forgotten. This quote I found says it all:
"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away they are meant to be there". We will be staying in touch.
They had a farewell dinner for us last night Sharry, Mandy, Danny, Denise and Dan did an awesome job, we had mexican food and it was delicious...Yummy! and dessert was to die for. I got the recipe!!
Sharry Kitzman is next door to us and it is like I have known her all my life.
Danny & Mandy Wessels are from Texas along with their kids Tyler (9) and Blake (7) are a great family and we have enjoyed our time with them. It is like having my family with me. We will miss our Crantini Time and I know they will miss Gary's cooking....He was always sending samples for them to try.
Virgil who works here at Leaf Verde is such a sweet man. Always, stopped in to see how we are doing. Now our journey continues across the United States on our way to Florida forour first break. It will take us a week or 10 days to get their and I will be posting in my blog along the way.

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