Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hampton Plantation McClellanville SC

Drove on Highway 17 to Myrtle Beach and saw the sign for Hampton Plantation and decided to stop by.  It was built in 1720 and it has the long driveway with the Cyprus trees lining the driveway.  So Pretty.    Now is a National Historic Site.  It is something to see how big this plantation is.  The house beside the plantation was for the slaves to cook the 3 meals a day to bring into the plantation.   The other homes for the slaves were in back, all destroyed now only a fireplace standing to show.    I got a picture inside the house of one of the fireplaces(in blue).  

Only Fireplace standing from Dwellings for the slaves

Cook House for the Plantation

 One of the Fireplaces inside the Plantation
Do you see my Mint Julip!!!!!

The Long Entrance to the Plantation 
I got a picture sitting on the veranda.....Was imaging Orry Main(Patrick Swayze) coming up the driveway to take me away!!!!  Yep!!  Great imagination...and I am in full southern regale with a mint Julip in my hand!!!  Hahaha! 

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