Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015 with Brenda and Richard

Took this picture at Vero Beach on Dec 27!!!  To all my family and friends, Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2015 filled with love, happiness and prosperity.

Got Gary to take this picture standing in the ocean!!!  This was taken just as a wave hit us!!!  It was too funny!!!  Great laughs!!
Beautiful sunset on our way home from Vero Beach!

Spent the afternoon at Gerry and Amy's...This is Gary and Amy having a water cannon fight!!  Had such a great time and great food!!! Always fun!!

Richard and Brenda enjoying the hot tub !!!!
 Gary and Lucky...Looks so much like Colby!!  Such a sweet dog!!

Enjoying a BBQ with Bob and Joan Lepoudre, our neighbors in the park. Gary did our favourite BBQ ribs!!  So Yummy!!
New Year's Eve Brenda enjoying the lights in the park!!

We had a beautiful New Year's Eve.  Enjoyed the music at the park, Willie , one of the residents here entertained us.  He is an amazing singer and looks like Willie Nelson.   Great evening, we had Champagne, stuffed Scallop shells, smoked salmon and carrot cake for dessert!!!  A great time!!!

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