Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015

 Sunrise was so beautiful Christmas Eve morning.  Couldn't resist!!

Had our friends over Christmas Eve.  Very festive with the candles and lights!!  Champagne and finger food.   Great time!!

Left Christmas morning heading to Bradenton to Gerry and Amy's for Christmas Dinner.  What a great time with lots of laughs and great company.  We had steak with all the trimmings...Yummy!!

This is their living room with their new furniture.  Love the colors. Looks so bright and cheery!!

We got to skype and facebook with our children, Tracey, Dallas and Wendy.  Completed our Christmas!!  It would of been more special if our family could of been here with us.  Miss you so much!!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas in Celebration Florida

Last night, Gary, Gerry, Amy and I went to see the Christmas lights and displays.  One was featured in ABC "Light Fight" and they won for best block.  It was a combination of 11 houses all synchronized together.  Awesome.  It was a great evening we began with a horse and buggy thru downtown Celebration and finished on Jeater Bend that won the 2015 Light Fight.  Great fun!!
                                  So Beautiful!!
                           Love the lights and decorations
 Gerry and Amy in front of the tree in downtown Celebration.
Our buggy ride around Celebration downtown
 We could of took the Cinderalla carriage thru Celebration!!! LOL

Even the stores got into it.  This is a shop downtown!!

             This is from Jeater Bend...Holigram of a reindeer.  He would wag his tail and look at you when you went by!!

This one was of Santa.  Unbelievable!!

This is the video on Jeater Bend that won!!  11 houses all synchronized....Unbelievable!

We were taking pictures and video of this house.  The lights were done to music.  This gentleman stopped in front of the house and got out.  He saw me videotaping and told me he would videotape us in front of the house.  I did not know he was the owner so Amy and I stood in front of the veranda and it was a motion sensor figure above us that as soon as we stepped in front it started to snow.  It was so pretty and was an awesome end to a beautiful evening. 

Perfect day with a lovely BBQ Salmon Steaks!!  An early Birthday present from someone very special!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Merry Christmas from Lake Wales

My Florida Christmas Tree!!  Love it and I get to use it all year long.   Gotta love that!!  It is hard to believe a year has gone by.  I have so much to be thankful for this past year.  My great grandson, Axel was born on 20 April.  I got to go visit with Wendy and family in Costa Rica.  Great time!  Took Sophie with us to visit Dallas, Gretchen and Ben in August.  Got to meet my great grandson, Axel when Jenna came to visit.  It was great spending time with them.  Got to take the 5 generation picture with my Mum.  Awaiting the photos Amy took.  Awesome time!  To my family, I love you all so very much and this quote I found says it all, "Your family is priceless, ".  To my friends, I can't imagine life without you in it.   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the bottom of our Heart!!  From Gary and I to you and your family!

 Lake Wales Office all lit up.  This Saturday is the judging for the best park site Christmas Decorating.
Love all the lights and decorations.  Getting into the spirit!!
 Love my Yard stash Shed.  Holds our 2 bikes and my laundry cart.
 It comes in a bag and goes up like a tent.  Easy to use and fits in our compartment when travelling.  And I got it for 50% off !!!!
Going for our bike rides around the park.    That is Gary ahead of me!!  We love it!!