Saturday, February 27, 2016

Great times in February with Great friends!!

Hard to believe we have been here for 4 months and with 1 month to go, we have so enjoyed our second year here at Lake Wales!!  Great friends and family here in Florida and looking forward to Richie and Brenda arriving on Thursday evening!! Yeahhh!!

Our potluck dinner celebrating Jerry's birthday. Great Time!!

Jerry blowing out his candles on Key Lime pie!!! It was Yummy!

Made our Happy Hour Ladies the crocheted wine glass Holder! LOL!! 

Love this pic of Willard!!  Holding up our goodies!! Good sport! Especially when he only drinks water!!  Haha!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Celebrating in Savannah

This year, my lovely husband took us to Savannah for the weekend.  Had such a wonderful time.  We walked around Historic Savannah for over 2 hours.  Wow!!  Love the ambience!! Had a visit from Wendy's sister-in-law, Libby Randall.  Thanks for the history lesson.  Can't wait to return and do some touring with you!!
Savannah Gold Dome City Hall.  So majestic!!

This is the statue in Franklin Square Amazing details in it!!

Here is the City Market.  Covers 3 blocks

Christ Church in Savannah was designed in 1838.  First cornerstone for the church was laid in 1744. 

The olde Pink House Restaurant and Tavern, Savannah's only 18th Century Mansion

Heading down to River Street, Check out the Historic Stairs!!  Did it one step at a time!!!  Very Steep!!

The Steamboats ride offer dinner cruise on board as well as moonlight cruises and sightseeing tours.

River Street with the cobblestone streets.  Very picturesque!!
Sitting in the River House Restaurant having dinner and this cargo ship goes by the window.  Amazing!!
Thanks to my husband who every year makes February very special!!  What a great evening and the meal was surpurb!!  I have pecan crusted salmon on Sweet potato and Collard greens!!  Yummy!!  Gary had fried shrimp and oysters and our appetizers was 6 raw oysters(Gary) and 6 steamed oysters(me)!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Celebrating Janet and Joe Hanes visit!

Finally our Happy Hour group is back together.  Joe and Janet Hanes came for a visit.  They will be joining us next year, yeahhh!!
Lots of laughs and great time!!

The group all went out to Sizzling Steakhouse to celebrate!!

Happy Hour before we departed!!!

We had a potluck dinner last night with Joe, Janet, Bob and Joan, Willard and Roberta, Jerry and Cheryl, Gary and I and Nick and Helen, owners joined us.

Great food, great times and great laughs!!  Can't ask for anything better!!!  Weather was awesome 75F...Yeahhh!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Enjoying Florida and a visit from Sarah, James, Emma, Clayton and Carol Gray

It was the 6th anniversary of the campground for our owners, Nick and Helen Stone.  They took a pic of some of the residents.

Joan, Bob and I enjoying the coffee and donuts at the gathering!

We have been seeing them a couple of times.  There is a motor attached to the gentleman with the parachute!!  Not my idea of flying!!  Hahaha!!!  We saw 4 of them last week flying around!!

Had a visit from Sarah and family.  Emma chasing the ducks!!  So sweet!!

Love that beautiful smile!!  Such a sweetheart!!

She was so excited to be feeding the ducks!! 

So happy to have such a nice visit from Sarah, James, Clayton and Carol Gray and of course, Emma!!!  I was up at 5am this morning to make Sarah's favourite, Penny Buns.  Her smile said it all!!  So worthwhile!!  Love you Sarah!! As a child when she came for a visit, she would take my penny buns over dessert.  Make sure I had enough for her to take a batch with her.  To her my Penny Buns is to Lawrence my Rhubarb Pie!!!  Right Lawrence!!Haha