Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Enjoying Florida and a visit from Sarah, James, Emma, Clayton and Carol Gray

It was the 6th anniversary of the campground for our owners, Nick and Helen Stone.  They took a pic of some of the residents.

Joan, Bob and I enjoying the coffee and donuts at the gathering!

We have been seeing them a couple of times.  There is a motor attached to the gentleman with the parachute!!  Not my idea of flying!!  Hahaha!!!  We saw 4 of them last week flying around!!

Had a visit from Sarah and family.  Emma chasing the ducks!!  So sweet!!

Love that beautiful smile!!  Such a sweetheart!!

She was so excited to be feeding the ducks!! 

So happy to have such a nice visit from Sarah, James, Clayton and Carol Gray and of course, Emma!!!  I was up at 5am this morning to make Sarah's favourite, Penny Buns.  Her smile said it all!!  So worthwhile!!  Love you Sarah!! As a child when she came for a visit, she would take my penny buns over dessert.  Make sure I had enough for her to take a batch with her.  To her my Penny Buns is to Lawrence my Rhubarb Pie!!!  Right Lawrence!!Haha

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