Monday, March 28, 2016

5 Months went by way too quickly!! Sigh!!!

Our time is finally up in Florida and after 4 days on the road our journey has ended at home until this fall!!  Already looking forward to returning!!

This month has flown quite quickly with our Lake Wales group, we celebrated St Patty's day at Sunday's Pub in Davenport!!

The Irish Murphy!!  and of course we were all in green in honor.  Gary added the Irish Tie!!!  Love it!!

Thanks to Sooky and Selena for the awesome dinner with Gerry and Amy!   Great time and Great food!  Appreciate it so much!!

Orange picking time!!  Look at the size of these oranges!!

My last morning walk around the park, had to get a picture of our motorhome.   Just love our spot so picturesque!!

Our Happy Hour Ladies!!  Going to miss them!!  Can't wait until next year!! 

Every year I look forward on the journey home to seeing the dogwood all in bloom!!  Such beautiful colors!!  I am so grateful for the wonderful friends I have made at the park.  To Nick and Helen, the owners of Lake Wales Campground, thank you for making us feel like family!! You are very special people!!  Best campground I have ever been too!! My home away from home! Can't wait to return!  To Joan, Roberta, Cheryl and Janet, my best buddies,  I cannot believe that we have only known each other for only a year.  I love the quote that says "Have you ever met someone for the first time and feel like you have known them for a lifetime!"  I am looking forward for this fall to return!!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Richard and Brenda Visit

Had a get together with Mike, Richard, Gerry.  Mini family reunion.  Had a great time!

Gary has the tool to grab the steaks should they fall in pool! Haha

Took Richard and Brenda to the Florida Aquarium!

Starfish, sea creatures!!  Pretty Colors

Fish with wings!!

Love the seahorse!! 

See the colorful shrimp by the coral!!  So Pretty!!

Brenda feeding the ducks!!! 

Their last night they got to have Happy Hour with our group!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Visiting with Jocelyn and Barry on Feb 28.

Was invited for Dinner with Barry and Jocelyn Scallion and their friend Rob in their park model in Caribbean Isle Park in Apollo Beach.  Beautiful site and well maintained.  Love it!!  Thanks so much for an awesome meal and great company!

This was taken in their Lanai room where we had dinner!! 
The lots here are a great size and they take out a lot of the older models and put in new ones and look at the sizes!!  Wow

This is Barry and Jocelyn.  The lanai is on the left size and they added an extra room on the right.  The window is in the kitchen. Love it!!

Barry took us around the park.  This was taken on the bridge to St Thomas Island.  A lot of the park models are on the water with the boat slips!! Beautiful sunset!!
This was taken from the kitchen looking into the living room

They added this room on the side and enlarged the master bedroom which is the doorway in the background

This is their Lanai room where they spend a lot of time.  Love it!!