Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kelowna to Castlegar

We started off the day with wine tasting (yahoo) at Jackson Triggs outside of Oliver, BC(Darn, Gary had to forgo as he was driving. Did you know that it is made up of 2 wineries, Jackson from Niagara Region and Triggs from Okanagan Region. I told them I had tried their wines but in the eastern part of Canada our wine comes from the Jackson winery and the west is from Triggs. I loved their dry Reisling , for a white it was excellent and I also bought their 7 year old merlot...Very good. We also stopped at one of their fruit stands and bought fresh apples from their orchards, Granny Smith, Macs and Gala. We had an excellent day around 16 to 20 celius what a beautiful day and the scenery was beautiful and mountains we climbed, was unbelievable...Thanks goodness we did not take our 5th wheel with us. We stayed in hotels. When they tell you to check your brakes before you go down the hill, we climbed up mountains like billygoats...straight up and then straight down...The picture from the mountain is of Osoyoos, the small town we drove thru..and then we headed inland and the mountains and valleys were magnificent. It was almost 90 degree drive downhill into Castlegar. Wow, I wouldn't want to have to drive these mountains in the wintertime. We drove right by the Canada, US border and at times it was right close to the road. Hard to believe how close it is to the border. One of the border crossing showed it was only open from 8am to midnight

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