Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Arrived in Regina on Sunday. It was raining quite hard along the way. In Saskatchewan , we saw a lot of the old silos that are becoming obsolute and I have taken pictures of a few and I am enclosing one. Also, the flat land with some rolling hills. Had some beautiful scenery. got to our campsite and had supper and an early night. Next day, Gary was not feeling good at all. He had a bit of a bug so we laid low as we were supposed to go and visit with Julie and Mike. This morning Gary was feeling much better so we went over for a visit to see Julie and Mike. We had coffee and tarts(her rhubarb tarts were to die for!!) . We had got a late checkout so we hooked up and headed to Medicine Hat Alberta. No that is not snow, we think it is a Potash Mine west of Swift Current. We are here at the Walmart as the campsite was booked up. Tomorrow we will be at Dallas.....I will see Ben!! Can't wait to see my new grandson

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