Monday, March 7, 2011


Visited Bradenton beach(see picture) and they took us to Manatee Park but the manatees were in the gulf waters where it was warm but we did see Pelicans(picture). Janet Comeau Perkins(see picture) came over for a visit for the day and we plan on going to visit her place this week. It was great seeing her and we got to catch up since she left Maritime Travel to move to States with her husband. She is such a lovely person.
We left for Miami on Saturday to visit with Maria del Pilar from Breezes Varadero and now in Miami Florida since 2005. We were very excited to see her again(see picture). We have known her for 15 years. We had a great day with awesome food(Cuban) her roommate cooked for us and good company. We are making plans for next year to spend more time together. We drove thru alligator alley(US75) and realized that almost 40 years ago we were on the same road when we were in Miami for our honeymoon. Wow....time does travel fast!!!!! It was a great first week in Florida with Gerry and Amy.

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