Thursday, February 19, 2015

Great week with Fred and Marilyn...Got to celebrate my 65th!!

It was great celebrating my birthday with our best friends, Marilyn and Fred.  The week went by too quickly!!!  We will miss them!!!

Fred favourite time of the day, feeding the ducks!!!
Had a dinner get-together with our friends.  As you can see, the chef was entertaining!!!

Great group of friends here with our best friends!!  Had a great time
Here are the rest of the group!!!  Great fun and great friends!!

Took Fred and Marilyn to Apollo Beach to see the Manatee's!!

This one flipped on this back!!!  So cute!!!

There was quite a few in the cove....Such gentle giants!!!

Took Marilyn and Fred over to pick some oranges!!!!  They were delicious!!

Went to Chili's last night for dinner....great meal!!!  Will miss Fred and Marilyn!!!

Marilyn got me an awesome birthday cake!!!  Great end to a great day!!

Here is the video with Fred feeding the ducks!!!  He loved doing it!!

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