Friday, April 5, 2013

Chattanooga, TN & Ringgold, GA

Dogwood in bloom
Traffic at a standstill by Atlanta

Yahoo!!!  Right next to the KOA we are staying at!!  Free wine tasting!

Incline Railway...Zoomed in at the top!!

Pic at the top looking down...end is by the big building below!


Heading down!!  Yikes!!  We are in front!!
Railcar meeting halfway

Yesterday it took us 9 hrs to drive from Gulfport, MS to Ringgold, GA.  We headed north to Montgomery AL from Mobile and across to Georgia.  Weather was great, light rain. Dogwood in bloom so pretty.  Took us an extra 1.5 hrs as traffic around Atlanta was almost at a standstill.  We were at Interstate around 3pm and by the time we got to the other end of 75 it was 4:30pm.  Glad we got thru before the suppertime traffic!!!!
Today we headed to Chattanooga and took the Incline Railway right to the top and back.  At one point the incline is 72.7%. There are 2 Railcars one from the top and bottom.  They meet halfway....When you arrive at the top, you get to go to the observation deck.  Each trip take 15 minutes.   It only take 40 passengers and you have to wait in line in both directions.  We got to be in front for the return.   Scary!!!!!!! Definitely not for anyone with height issues.  I just made it!!!!  All in all a great day.  


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