Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Journey Home....

Sunrise out of Virginia

My favourite  Dogwood....so pretty

Old stone tunnels

Joy, Gary and Dick relaxing on the patio

Great afternoon with good friends

Joy and Dick Brochu

Love the old farmyards

Farm in PA

The journey is almost over and it has been a great time.  We got to see a lot more this year.  There is so much history and it has been great exploring and we look forward to continuing it again next year......We left Ringgold on Sunday and headed to Wytheville VA, overnighted and headed to Jonestown PA.  We are here for 3 days and today we took a side trip to visit very good friend of ours, Richard and Joy Brochu who live in Newtown PA.    They are very special people and it was great to spend the afternoon with them. It was a beautiful drive thru the countryside.  We saw quaint Dutch and German influence.    Tomorrow we will be resting and packing up for our final journey home.   We will overnight in Portland before heading home.  

I tried to think of a great quote to end this journey and I found this and I think it says it all

How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way.

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