Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gorgeous Day Today!!!

Great day today!! Weatherman says it was 24C and feels like 33C...Pictures 1 to 3 are downtown St Marys which is on St Mary's River.  Beautiful old historic buildings.  And of course the best Pecan Pie I have ever tasted....They do know how to make them here!!!  Could not resist. 

Had to go to Camping World to pick up a connector and what should of took 20 minutes took us 2 hrs.  Tractor Trailer overturned on highway 95....Back to back traffic....When we returned the highway was backed up all the way into Georgia and we got off at Exit 3 and we could still see the traffic at a distance at a standstill.   OMG!!!!  Unbelievable!!!  They were almost done picking hopefully it cleared up!!!! 

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