Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ft Lauderdale

We had a great time at my brother, Gerry and his wife, Amy and on Saturday we headed to Ft Lauderdale to meet up with Wendy, Scott and Xavier before their flight back home to Costa Rica.  They were down from Costa Rica spending Christmas with Scott's Mum and Tom in Key West.   They picked us up at the hotel and we got to spend a couple of hours together and they took us out to an Indian Restaurant(so good).  Thanks Scott and Wendy.  After they dropped us back at our hotel and this morning we were off early and headed back to St Marys GA.  It was great to see them.  Xavier is growing up so much. 

Pic 1.  We stayed at the Comfort Inn and the car belongs to a couple that are presently on a cruise.  Someone came in and stole their tires.   Would of loved to see their face this morning when they got off the cruise....They must of had low profile tires and that are very expensive....
Pic 2....Scott and Xav at the restaurant
Pic 3....Gary, Wendy and I outside the restaurant
Pic 4.....Beautiful Sunrise this does that expression go....Red sky at night...Sailors sky in morning.....sailor take warning....Thank Goodness we were almost home before the rain started....It was quite heavy when it started but tapered off....

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