Friday, November 28, 2014

American Thanksgiving Nov 27

Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends I am so blessed !!

We got to celebrate Thanksgiving twice this year with my brother, Gerry and Amy in Bradenton with friends and family.  Great time and great food!
Amy and I got to enjoy the hot tub before we started helping Amy preparing Thanksgiving Dinner!! Awwww!! Gorgeous day 75F or 23C

Mike and Donna stopped in for a visit!!! So great seeing them!!

Amy's friend Dawn and her Dad stopped by.  He is 94!!  Amazing!!

Sitting Down to Dinner and what a meal!!!  Amy is an amazing host and if you have ever sat down to one of her meals it is a feast!!  Gary and I had a great time helping her out.  Pedro was from Cuba and bought Port Butt with rice and black bean sauce, yummy!! and Tim's mum bought a delicious cake.   So much to be thankful for!!!

Our Special Host!!  Gerry, Amy and Ashley, Evan, his friend, Tim and Tim's Mum and Pablo.  Had such a great time!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Exploring Lake Wales

Our little friend, the Heron, was visiting us today!!
Having a great time though our temperature took a nosedive this week.  We had the evening as low as 40F or 5C and torrential rain on Tuesday.  Today was better we were up to a high of 75F or 24C.  Thursday my brother, Mike and Donna stopped in for a visit and we had lunch.  Enjoyed ourselves so much I forgot to take a picture.   Next week we are heading to my brother, Gerry and Amy for Thanksgiving in Bradenton.  Looking forward to spending a couple of days.   I am making pecan pie and Swedish apple pie!!
Love the orange groves here!!  Not quite ripe yet can't wait for the U-pick! 
Florida Natural plant is right besides us!! 


Love the palm trees!!!  Can't tell it was in a Walmart parking lot!!  Haha
Took a drive thru Lake Wales historic area!! This was from 1920!!

The old town clock in the historic downtown.  They are working on restoring the area to the 1920 appearance!!

Old wooden caboose!!!

Restored 1928 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad depot and museum relating to the history of Lake Wales

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hot and humid..86F or28C. Expecting rain and thundershowers later today!!

This is at the entrance of the park!!!  Says it perfectly!!
Love our new electric oven....did a rotisserie chicken!!  Yummy!!

Put up our lights....Love the blue led lights!!!

This is definitely my park!!!  Love the sign!!!  Hahaha!!

Saw this flag and had to take a picture!!  This is for you, Xavier!!   Love it!
This is the hangout in the morning!!  Free coffee!!  Lots of friendly faces!!


Morning exercise in the pool!!!  Loving it!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Cloudy and cool today

Was driving to Jo Ann's fabric and what do we go by LEGOLAND about 15 mins away.(Xavier Carter and Benjamin Firlotte).   Look pretty busy.
Got a picture of the castle at LEGOLAND!!!


Coming into the Eagle Ridge Mall and what is right beside us were these 2 cranes.   No fear at all.  Tried to get them to look at me!!  I was ignored! 

This was a beautiful old carousel in the mall.  Couldn't resist taking  a pic!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Enjoying Lake Wales

This is the view of our motorhome from the front of the office.  Everyone is very friendly and love the site we are in.  We are close to Bradenton only 1.5 hrs away.   Vero Beach is also only 1.5 hrs away.  Can't wait to explore.  Shopping is close by.  

This is a night time shot of the pond and front of the park

They were trying to get the duck out of the pond.  It was duck 5 people 0.   Too funny but eventually people won.  Hahaha!!!  They needed to put some chemicals in the pond and had to cage them until it was safe for them to go back in.

Set up our oven and halogen cooker outside.  Gary made a cabbage roll casserole.   Very yummy!!!

Here is the cook testing the results.   I gave it a 10!!!!!!  Very good!!

Sunrise this morning just coming up by my beautiful palm tree.....Beautiful!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Lake Wales Florida

We have arrived and it was 82F or 26C.  This is the view from our front windows.   So Beautiful.  So happy to be here!!  Only 4 hrs of drivin today..

This beautiful white ducks came to visit us while we were setting up!!

Yeahhh!! I have a palm tree right in front of my motorhome!!  Facing the indoor pool and office.   Love it!!!

This is looking from the back of the motorhome towards the pond!!

All set up and enjoying a drink on our patios!!  Life is good!! 

Relaxing with a glass of wine.  Needed it today as I ended up getting bit by red fire ant while getting set up!!!  Man, did that every hurt!!  Leave it to me to put my hand in a nest!!  Go figure!!  So happy to be here what an awesome park!!!  Everyone is so friendly and met a couple from Amherst. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tifton Georgia

We left Wytheville this morning and it was 37F or 4C.   The sun was shining and it was an excellent drive today.  This picture was taken in Loudon Tennessee.  Couldn't resist it was so picturesque.
The more we headed south the colors on the trees were so beautiful.  Had a hard time to get a good pic but you can see the colors.  It took us 10.5 hrs to get to Tifton Georgia.  We had a bit of a delay driving in Atlanta but it was because they were working on the highway and had 2 lanes closed .

Once we left Macon Georgia we started to see the cotton fields.  Had to get a picture.   We arrived at the KOA in Tifton at 5:10pm today.  We arrived to the temperature of 80F or 30C.   Yeah!!!  Getting out the shorts and sandals! Tomorrow we arrive at Lake Wales for our winter.  Can't wait!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wytheville VA

Great morning.  We slept for 9.5 hrs....Very rested today.  For all of my friends that have to pick up leaves off the ground, here is a nightmare for you.  Wow!!!  Thought of you, Fred!!!  Enough to make you want to pull out your hair!!!  Hahaha
Here is a pic of the country lane that takes you to the campground.  So so pretty!!!
Here is our motorhome at the campground and yes, that is a Dunking Donut Coffee on the picnic table!!!!  My Keirug coffee pot broke so replaced my mini with a K40..Same price!!  Happy Camper!! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Our Journey begins for 2014/2015

Snow came a bit earlier this year.   This is our motorhome parked in Edmundston on Nov 1.   This is definitely not the weather I want to travel in.  We left on Nov 6 and thank goodness we had excellent weather.  We made it as far as Willington CT just before Hartford on Thursday at 4pm.   Had some homemade soup and hit the sack .  6.5 hrs later we headed thru Hartford and decided to take 87 to 287 to 78 going thru the valley instead of going thru Scranton.  It was quicker and no hills but I have never seem so many tractor trailers travelling that route....Unbelievable!!!  We drove for 5.5 hrs and stopped at a truck stop to get some more shuteye!!  All the rest stops were overflowing with tractor trailers.  We couldn't find a spot to rest.   After a quick rest, we hit the road again and headed to our stop for 2 days at Wytheville Virginia.   The last 4 hours we had strong the motorhome do you ever feel it.   We are not here at the KOA Campground for 2 nights and then we head to Florida.  We will be a couple of more days before we reach our destination.
Below is the pic I took after we arrived.  It looks like a half rainbow and only in orange.   It was amazing to see.