Friday, November 7, 2014

Our Journey begins for 2014/2015

Snow came a bit earlier this year.   This is our motorhome parked in Edmundston on Nov 1.   This is definitely not the weather I want to travel in.  We left on Nov 6 and thank goodness we had excellent weather.  We made it as far as Willington CT just before Hartford on Thursday at 4pm.   Had some homemade soup and hit the sack .  6.5 hrs later we headed thru Hartford and decided to take 87 to 287 to 78 going thru the valley instead of going thru Scranton.  It was quicker and no hills but I have never seem so many tractor trailers travelling that route....Unbelievable!!!  We drove for 5.5 hrs and stopped at a truck stop to get some more shuteye!!  All the rest stops were overflowing with tractor trailers.  We couldn't find a spot to rest.   After a quick rest, we hit the road again and headed to our stop for 2 days at Wytheville Virginia.   The last 4 hours we had strong the motorhome do you ever feel it.   We are not here at the KOA Campground for 2 nights and then we head to Florida.  We will be a couple of more days before we reach our destination.
Below is the pic I took after we arrived.  It looks like a half rainbow and only in orange.   It was amazing to see. 

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