Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas with Brenda and Richard

Brenda and Richard arrived on 23 Dec.  So awesome having them with us for Christmas and New Years!!  To my children, so pleased I got to Skype with all. of you, even though my Skype service was not the best!! Merry Christmas!!  Miss all our friends and family.  Will be in touch!!!!

Christmas Eve relaxing after church service with Gary's Homemade Pina Colada.  They were delicious.  It was 81F or 26C. 
Brenda feeding the ducks Christmas morning

Enjoying Champagne and orange juice Christmas morning with Gary's Quiche and I made Mum's Scones.  Yummy!!

Christmas Dinner!!!  T-bone steaks on the BBQ, Baked potatoes and Caesar Salad and for dessert...Christmas Plum pudding!!!  Life is good!

Brenda and I having fun with Chef Pasquale!!!  Great chef!! Great food!!
Boxing Day we headed over to Mike and Donna's place in Ellenton for lunch.   Bert and Patty were there as well.  Patty made us a lovely seafood chowder and for dessert her homemade chocolates.   Wow!!  So delicious!!

Had a lovely time and we got to take a group picture.  Thank you Donna and Mike for a great lunch and awesome company. 

After leaving Mike's, we headed to Apollo Beach to the Manatee viewing and protection area.  What looks like rocks in the water is the manatees..
You can see the outline of the manatee and if  you look at the bottom you can see his tail and at the top just the top of his head...Massive!!

This is the walkway to the viewing area.   A must see in Florida!!
This is what the Manatee looks like!!  No I was not so lucky to get a picture like this.  Took it off the website!!  Gentle Giant!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Lake Wales Campground Golf Cart Parade and Lot decorations

Last night everyone decorated their golf carts and had a parade thru the park to pick the best decorated sites.  They had 2 winners....

Fred and Skeet next door to us did a live nativity scene.  Hilarious!! And what an awesome job they did!!

This one is lot 27, Roy.  Did an awesome job as well!!!  They were some awesome sites

This is the porch where everyone hangs out and the office where you check in.   Great turnout for the celebration

David Lillies and his wife entertained us with Christmas Carols and our music!!!  We all bought sweets and I made Lemon Cranberry Scones with Lemon Glaze.  Turned out pretty good!!!  It was fun!!

For many of you who knew our dog, Colby, this is a miniature of him,  Bob and Joan Lepoudre adopted him from the SPCA in Lakeland. They are in the Lot across from us and are from Ontario.    His name is Lucky and he is a Thai Terrier.  They just got him clipped and we were amazed how much he looks like Colby but half his size.   So cute!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Christmas from Lake Wales

To all my family and friends Gary and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   Especially to our children, Tracey, Wendy and Dallas.   We think of our Christmas with you as children and it brings back so many happy memories.    Love you so much.  To my grandchildren, Jenna, Bryanna, Ryan, Sophie, Xavier and Benjamin and our great granddaughter, Alexis.  You hold such a special place in our heart.  We are truly blessed  

My Florida Christmas tree,  Lighted Palm Tree that I decorated for Christmas.   I am a happy Camper...Now can use it year round......Minus the decorations...Gotta love it!!!

Night show !!!  All lit up!! 

Egrets in the pond in front of us...Grubbing for worms...So cute!!!


Orange tree full of ripe oranges!!!  They are harvesting right now!!


This was taken in front of LEGOLAND...Pretty cool..Looks like a party hat
Gerry and Amy's Christmas tree!!!  Love it..can you see the fake snow!!  So Cool!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lake Wales Campground with a visit from Gail and Dan

Every morning from 9 to 10 we have aquasize in the pool Monday to Friday.  Love it. It is an indoor heated pool for the cool days!!

Our Friendly neighborhood Peking Ducks coming for their daily feeding. 

They have no fear at all.  They come right to the door!!  So cute!!

The beautiful old Catholic Church in Lake Wales was sold to the Town and is now their Cultural Center.  It was origionally the Holy Ghost Church and was built in 1927.  Very Spanish looking.

Dan and Gail Avery came for a visit and had lunch with us.  So great to see my friend!!!  They are both looking excellent.

So great seeing her and so happy we are not that far from each other!!  Going to be a great winter!!  We worked together at Maritime Travel. 

This is one of the campers, Willie, who entertained us all afternoon at the park.  He will be our entertainment for New Years.  Can't wait.  He is amazing.  If you look in the background, Gary is over at our neighbors, Fred and Skeet .  We were listening to the music.  Our motorhome is next door.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Vero Beach to Melbourne Beach

Beautiful day today so decided to take a drive to Vero Beach and head up on A1A to Melbourne Beach along the shore.   Such a beautiful drive and we had a gorgeous day for it.

Marilyn, we got to wish you a Happy Birthday on Vera Beach...I forgot the (i) but Gary went to take my picture on the sand and a wave came in and washed everything away.  Thank Goodness I was quick...only got my shorts a little wet!!!  Whew!!!

We met a couple from New York and they took our picture on Vera Beach

This house was right on Vero Beach....All closed up so they are not here yet!!  Wow!!  Gorgeous!!

Beautiful drive on A1A...Scenery was amazing!!!

I don't know if I would call this a cottage!!!!!!  Wow!!!
We decided to stop by and try them.  They were right on Melbourne Beach.  Famous for Fat Burger along with 20 other awards.  Very Popular!!!

This was a lunch!!!  You missed the shock look on our face when it came!!! Though Gary still has a bit of shocked look still!!

That was one heck of a burger!!!!  I guess when they say big here!! They told us if you can eat 3 in 30 mins you get it free!!!  OMG!!!  Are you kidding me!!!  A guy just did that in Sept...they have his picture up!!  Freddy, bet you never see one this big!!! 

We passed this tractor trailer of oranges on the side of the road.  Looks like the trailer split in 2....Not a happy driver!!!!