Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lake Wales Campground with a visit from Gail and Dan

Every morning from 9 to 10 we have aquasize in the pool Monday to Friday.  Love it. It is an indoor heated pool for the cool days!!

Our Friendly neighborhood Peking Ducks coming for their daily feeding. 

They have no fear at all.  They come right to the door!!  So cute!!

The beautiful old Catholic Church in Lake Wales was sold to the Town and is now their Cultural Center.  It was origionally the Holy Ghost Church and was built in 1927.  Very Spanish looking.

Dan and Gail Avery came for a visit and had lunch with us.  So great to see my friend!!!  They are both looking excellent.

So great seeing her and so happy we are not that far from each other!!  Going to be a great winter!!  We worked together at Maritime Travel. 

This is one of the campers, Willie, who entertained us all afternoon at the park.  He will be our entertainment for New Years.  Can't wait.  He is amazing.  If you look in the background, Gary is over at our neighbors, Fred and Skeet .  We were listening to the music.  Our motorhome is next door.

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