Monday, December 1, 2014

Vero Beach to Melbourne Beach

Beautiful day today so decided to take a drive to Vero Beach and head up on A1A to Melbourne Beach along the shore.   Such a beautiful drive and we had a gorgeous day for it.

Marilyn, we got to wish you a Happy Birthday on Vera Beach...I forgot the (i) but Gary went to take my picture on the sand and a wave came in and washed everything away.  Thank Goodness I was quick...only got my shorts a little wet!!!  Whew!!!

We met a couple from New York and they took our picture on Vera Beach

This house was right on Vero Beach....All closed up so they are not here yet!!  Wow!!  Gorgeous!!

Beautiful drive on A1A...Scenery was amazing!!!

I don't know if I would call this a cottage!!!!!!  Wow!!!
We decided to stop by and try them.  They were right on Melbourne Beach.  Famous for Fat Burger along with 20 other awards.  Very Popular!!!

This was a lunch!!!  You missed the shock look on our face when it came!!! Though Gary still has a bit of shocked look still!!

That was one heck of a burger!!!!  I guess when they say big here!! They told us if you can eat 3 in 30 mins you get it free!!!  OMG!!!  Are you kidding me!!!  A guy just did that in Sept...they have his picture up!!  Freddy, bet you never see one this big!!! 

We passed this tractor trailer of oranges on the side of the road.  Looks like the trailer split in 2....Not a happy driver!!!!

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