Sunday, March 29, 2015

Enjoying our last 3 weeks in Florida. Had a great visit from Jocelyn and Barry

Can't believe we have been here 5 months and in 3 weeks we will be heading back home.  It has been a great winter and can't wait until next year.  Feels like we have been here for years.  Have made a lot of great friends.  Also, it was great to have family and friends visiting.  Life is good!
Spring flowers....So beautiful and the colors!!!
                                          Love the colors!!!!
Murals in the Historic Downtown Lake Wales
Beautiful Sunrise!!!  Love having my coffee in the morning watching the sunrise!!!  Will miss this!!
Had a great visit from Jocelyn and Barry Scallion!!!  So happy they are going to be living here.  They bought a place in Apollo Beach.  Looking forward to getting together next year!!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Farewell Party for Bob, Joan and Lucky

It is amazing how quickly our time has flown by. We have had such a great time here, it feels like we have been here for years.  Our Happy Hour Gang is dwindling.  First to go was Robert and Willard.  We have only 3 weeks left before we begin our journey home on the 19 April.   Wednesday we had a farewell party for Bob and Joan Lepoudre from Tillsonburg they begin their journey home.  We will miss you very much and our prayers are with you for your surgery on 14 Apr, Joan!!  As for our buddy, Lucky we will miss you.  It is eerie how much you look like Colby!!!

Janet, Joan, myself and Cheryl enjoying our last happy hour with Joan
 Our pal, Lucky!!  He would see us and come running!!!  Will miss him!!
Joe, Bob, Gary and Jerry......Our Happy Hour Gang, missing Roberta and Willard who left the 1st of March.   We met a lot of great people!!

Joan and Bob brought over this beautiful bouquet!!  So Pretty!!

We were at the flea market today and we spied this flag for our Grandson, Xavier who is half Canadian and half American.   We couldn't resist!! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Surprise Birthday Party for Amy!!!

We definitely surprised Amy!!!  We had a good group of family and friends.  Mike, Donna and our good friend from England, Chrisanda Auger and good friends of Amy's, Glenda, Don and Dawn and missing was Dawn's Dad but he was there in spirit!!  Hope you are feeling better, Bob!!  Of course, Ashley, Evan and Gerry.   It was nice to do something for Amy as she does so much for everyone else.  Love you  Amy!!!

Too Funny!!!  Glenda got her the hat, glasses and necklace!! 

 Dawn, Chrisanda, Bella and Donna!!  Having a great time!!

Can you tell my brothers, Gerry and Mike!!  I say twins!!!  Hahaha!!

Amy blowing out her candles on her birthday cupcake tower!!
 Glenda, Dawn, Chrisanda, Gary and Donna having a good time!!
Love this one!!!  Not sure if it is the cat or Amy looking for adoption!!  Haha!!  Good one!!  Dawn!!


Amy and Dawn!!  Missing Dawn's Dad!!! 

Love this family photo!!  Gerry, Amy, Ashley and Evan!!  Love you guys!!

As you can see, she was totally surprised!!!  Love her scream!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tracey and Bryanna's visit

Had a great visit with Tracey and Bryanna but too short and this is the best picture I could get of Tracey.  Bryanna took it with her phone.....Not great but I will take what I can get!!!  Love you Guys and it was way too short.   Missed Richard, Ryan and Sophie!!!  See you in a month!!! Love you!!

Bryanna relaxing in the sun!!!  Had a great time in the pool!!  Can't believe she is graduating from High School!!  Where or where did the time go!!!

Tracey holding Bob and Joan's dog, Lucky.....She couldn't believe how much he looks like Colby.  Bryanna wanted to take him home!!  So sweet and the same mannerisms as Colby....Scarey!!!!

This is called Bottle Brush tree as the flowers look like bottle brushes.  Real cool!!!!  They are in bloom right now and are so pretty....

Beautiful sunrise the morning we picked up Tracey and Bryanna at Disney World!!!   It was so pretty!!!  Ball of fire!!

Everytime we go to Orlando we have seen the hot air balloons.  This is the first time I actually got a pretty good picture. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Visited friends in Cape Coral and enjoying our time

On Friday we visited Jim and Melissa Bradbury at their new home in Cape Coral.  It was so nice spending time with them again.  They are such special people and this quote reminds me so much of them.

Best friends are people you know you don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t even need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it’s like you never stopped talking.

This is a beautiful view of their pool and canal in the back.  What a lovely place to relax.  We so enjoyed ourselves.  Thanks so much.

Participated in my first craft show at Lake Wales Campground and did very well and got to meet a lot of people.  Enjoyed myself. 

These beautiful spring flowers are blooming on the side of the road.  Had to stop and take a picture, so pretty!!!

Joe and Janet hosted a potluck dinner for our group of friends and we got to wish Cheryl a Happy Birthday as her birthday is Mar 12.   Going to miss our group when we leave but looking forward to seeing them again next year.