Friday, March 27, 2015

Farewell Party for Bob, Joan and Lucky

It is amazing how quickly our time has flown by. We have had such a great time here, it feels like we have been here for years.  Our Happy Hour Gang is dwindling.  First to go was Robert and Willard.  We have only 3 weeks left before we begin our journey home on the 19 April.   Wednesday we had a farewell party for Bob and Joan Lepoudre from Tillsonburg they begin their journey home.  We will miss you very much and our prayers are with you for your surgery on 14 Apr, Joan!!  As for our buddy, Lucky we will miss you.  It is eerie how much you look like Colby!!!

Janet, Joan, myself and Cheryl enjoying our last happy hour with Joan
 Our pal, Lucky!!  He would see us and come running!!!  Will miss him!!
Joe, Bob, Gary and Jerry......Our Happy Hour Gang, missing Roberta and Willard who left the 1st of March.   We met a lot of great people!!

Joan and Bob brought over this beautiful bouquet!!  So Pretty!!

We were at the flea market today and we spied this flag for our Grandson, Xavier who is half Canadian and half American.   We couldn't resist!! 

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