Friday, March 20, 2015

Tracey and Bryanna's visit

Had a great visit with Tracey and Bryanna but too short and this is the best picture I could get of Tracey.  Bryanna took it with her phone.....Not great but I will take what I can get!!!  Love you Guys and it was way too short.   Missed Richard, Ryan and Sophie!!!  See you in a month!!! Love you!!

Bryanna relaxing in the sun!!!  Had a great time in the pool!!  Can't believe she is graduating from High School!!  Where or where did the time go!!!

Tracey holding Bob and Joan's dog, Lucky.....She couldn't believe how much he looks like Colby.  Bryanna wanted to take him home!!  So sweet and the same mannerisms as Colby....Scarey!!!!

This is called Bottle Brush tree as the flowers look like bottle brushes.  Real cool!!!!  They are in bloom right now and are so pretty....

Beautiful sunrise the morning we picked up Tracey and Bryanna at Disney World!!!   It was so pretty!!!  Ball of fire!!

Everytime we go to Orlando we have seen the hot air balloons.  This is the first time I actually got a pretty good picture. 

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