Monday, March 23, 2015

Surprise Birthday Party for Amy!!!

We definitely surprised Amy!!!  We had a good group of family and friends.  Mike, Donna and our good friend from England, Chrisanda Auger and good friends of Amy's, Glenda, Don and Dawn and missing was Dawn's Dad but he was there in spirit!!  Hope you are feeling better, Bob!!  Of course, Ashley, Evan and Gerry.   It was nice to do something for Amy as she does so much for everyone else.  Love you  Amy!!!

Too Funny!!!  Glenda got her the hat, glasses and necklace!! 

 Dawn, Chrisanda, Bella and Donna!!  Having a great time!!

Can you tell my brothers, Gerry and Mike!!  I say twins!!!  Hahaha!!

Amy blowing out her candles on her birthday cupcake tower!!
 Glenda, Dawn, Chrisanda, Gary and Donna having a good time!!
Love this one!!!  Not sure if it is the cat or Amy looking for adoption!!  Haha!!  Good one!!  Dawn!!


Amy and Dawn!!  Missing Dawn's Dad!!! 

Love this family photo!!  Gerry, Amy, Ashley and Evan!!  Love you guys!!

As you can see, she was totally surprised!!!  Love her scream!!

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