Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dillon to Salt Lake City Utah

well we woke up to 32 degrees or 0 Celcius.....Cold!!! Thank goodness we turned the heat on. For anyone that has a GPS for the first time since we bought it in Montana we hit 3 times no service for approx 30 minutes each time. Just before we hit Dillon, it went out and Thank Goodness Gary had written the instructions from their website on how to get to the RV park. When we left in the morning, it was almost an hour before we got service. We had rain for the first couple of hours and once we crossed the border to Idaho the sun came out and it started to warm up. The scenery was amazing and I got loads of pictures. The size of some of the ranches was mind boggling.....You could see buildings for the staff not the rancher so it must of been a distance away. We are not used to seeing that large of spreads!! On our journey I saw a billboard that made me laugh....Could not believe it....This is what it said: "You can't fix Stupid, but you can vote them out" Very funny!! One of the pictures is our site at Pony Express RV Park in Salt Lake City Utah....The one with the rocks is the Lava Formations in Idaho and the last is the scenery of the ranches with mountains in the background so picturesque....
The closer we got to Salt Lake City the warmer it got....We arrived to 75 degrees or 22 Celcius....Yeahhhhhhhhh!!! We will be spending 2 days here. The Pony Express RV Park is very nice with concrete pads and beautiful picnic tables. I am enclosing a picture. Very nice.

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