Monday, October 18, 2010

Salt Lake City to Boulder City, Nevada

Sunday we spend a relaxing day in Salt Lake City and this morning we departed for Leeds, Utah but the drive went so well we decided to drive to Boulder City, Nevada outside of Las Vegas. The drive was beautiful and we did a bit of climbing and the highest we got was 6600 ft about sea level and once we left Utah, we were in Arizona for about 28 miles and we came down part of the Grand Canyon and the scenery was spectacular and amazing and also very scary as the twists and turns in the middle of this scenery, WOW!!! We both agreed that this was the best part of the trip. Trying to absorb the scenery and at points coming straight down with hairpin turns at times. Very Scarey!!! Once we were down, we were in the desert into Nevada and we had to go into Las Vegas to get to Boulder City. Amazing. We are at Boulder Oaks RV Park for 2 nights and tomorrow we are going to Hoover Dam. I have to say this has been an amazing trip so far and I am so glad I did it. Amazing!!!! I know I keep saying it but I can't think of any word that best describes our trip. Wednesday we should be in Buckeye.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Carol and Gary!

    I in joy your storys, you see so many beautiful places. I'm thinking how much you have seen this little earth in all? That is a lot that is so wonterful... Keep going Freands.
    We are fine, geting things don for deer-hunting filling the old trailer, it will be warm nights to stay there after hunting, hunting starts next monday the 25, for a month, so well be gomeing an going.
    take care LOL!! Anita
