Friday, October 15, 2010

Our journey continues, Calgary to Dillon Montana

We left Calgary Thursday morning and we said goodbye to Dallas, Gretchen and Ben, our sweet angel and he had a big smile for us. We will surely miss him.
We drove as far as Lethbridge where we overnighted at Walmart. When we got up in the morning we could not close the popouts as we had to boost the battery. Oh Well live and learn!!! Six weeks in Storage, Dead Battery!!
We left at 8:30am and arrived at Canada, Montana border at 9:40am. Well to describe Montana with one adjective I would have to go with VAST!!!!!! The scenery is unbelievable and spectacular. You go from rolling fields to rock cliffs and mountain ranges. Some of the ranches were very spread out. In fact, I saw a cowboy on horseback rounding up some cattle. Felt like I was watching a western. Of course, no time to take out the camera as I was knitting. It was such a windy day, if fact, outside of Butte, Gary hit a crosswind and for a moment he thought it was going to flip the trailer but he got it under control. It was windy all day and he was some glad to arrive in Dillon to tie up for the night. One of the pictures show the Missouri River.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Were are you now?

    We dont have a no snow this east side of NB, yesterday had strong wind and lot of rain, bridge to PEI was closed, this morning all is calm.

    We are fine, not sure were we are at Christmas but all in time....

    Hope all is well and gos well
    Take care Dear Friends

    Reg. Anita
