Monday, March 18, 2013

Arenal Lake

Early morning view of Arenal Volcano

Boats for touring Arenal Lake

Church in one of the villages

Arenal Lake

interesting shrubs in front of a church

Boat tours of Arenal Lake

Rooster who woke us up at 4am....he continued until 6am
Sunday morning we got up and headed to Breakfast at Gecko Gourmet.  Had Breakfast Burritos....Yummy!!!!   We headed to Arenal Lake and after an hour drive we didn't even go half way around the lake.  Wow the scenery is amazing.   The coffee plants and bamboo....even pine trees.   So beautiful .....We stopped at German bakery.   Had apple strudel with ice cream and coffee!!!  Yummy....headed back to the house and had lunch and packed up and headed home.  Because of the closing of part of the highway we had to detour thru small towns with no clear it took us longer to get thru....ended up being 5 hrs to home......saw a lot of scenery and I think I have seen a lot of Costa Rica.   Today is laundry day before heading back to Florida tomorrow.....Wow. the week went by so quickly!!!!

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