Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Costa Rica 1

We flew Jetblue direct flight from Orlando to San Jose Costa Rica.   Excellent flight and very impressed with the airline.  Staff was excellent. 

Living room and dining room of our villa

Our Villa Looking down from Pool

Pool where I slipped on steps

Xavier picked a flower for his Grammie!!

Chilling outside on the patio with a glass of wine

2 pirates Xav and Papa

Wall in front of our villa below the pool
Wendy met our flight and we went thru Immigration and customs very quickly.   We are renting the house below Wendy's just beyond the pool.   It is definitely warmer than Florida right now...Whew!!  We got settled in and I decided to put my feet in the pool and me being me.  I ended up slipping and falling into the pool.  Bruised my ego no wait that was my butt!!!!!!  A little tender right now so sitting is done very gingerly!!!!  Hahaha.....yesterday I went into San Jose for a drive with Wendy and we got stuck on the highway for an hour while they cleared the accident.   Very hot ended up buying some green mangos(very delicious) and fresh cashews!!  But the slushes hit the spot as we were hot and thisty!!!  Heading to Jaco Beach today for lunch at Tacobar and pick up some groceries.....Having fun and will post more pictures....

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