Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gulfport Mississippi

Love this picture!!

Sunrise this morning see the duck in the mist flying across

Love the pic with the mist

Beautiful scenery along the route

Easter tree?????  Wow

Gulfport "Campground of the South"

Yesterday was a relax day.  Took a walk around the lake and got a pic of the duck.   Got up this morning and the temperature went down to -2 so this morning the fog on the lake was so pretty, could not resist taking a picture.   Left at 9:15am for a 2 hr drive to Gulfport.  Stopped at the Mississippi Tourist office and had to take a picture of the Easter Tree?????  Hadn't seen that before!!!  We have arrived and love the spot we are in.   Small world!!  as we are walking to pick our site, this truck stopped us and asked if we were driving the black truck.  Come to find out they are from Moncton New Brunswick.   Hilarious!!!  They are right beside us......Small World...

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