Monday, March 18, 2013

Flowers and Fauna from Costa Rica

Living Fence

Gnarly Fence

Bird of Paradise Flower

Puff Flower comes in White and Pink

Pineapple Plant

They call this a shrimp plant

I have to say the flowers are so beautiful here and it is so funny to see their fences.  When they need a fence they grow plant a trees and when it gets big enough they cut the top off and put the barb wire on it.   I can just see them...hey I need a fence so give me 5 years......I love the gnarly one when they have cut it off so many times.......Had an awesome time....It is there hottest time of the year it has to be 40C with high humidity.......Great visiting with Wendy Xavier and Scott....Having our last dinner outdoors ......Life is good.....Tomorrow we head back to Florida

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